WITHOUT US / Uten Oss - Short film by Julie Engaas - release 2022
True Fiction is an independent production company based in Oslo, Norway. Since 1997 we have produced documentaries and short films for a wide audience, both for television and festivals around the world.
We have specialised in making documentary films and animated documentaries, and we are passionate about strong stories based in real life.

WITHOUT US / Uten Oss - Dir: Julie Engaas - 2022, DCP

THE SUBHARCHORD - a future that never happened - Dir: Ina Pillat 2021 NRK, YLE

BLIND DANCER / Blind Danser - Dir: Maria Lloyd - 2018, DCP, NRK, YLE, festivals
BLIND DANCER- Short Film by Maria Lloyd - Trailer

HEART OF GOLD / Hjerte av gull - Dir: Cecilie Bjørnaraa - 2017, DCP, 55 min NRK, festivals

IN A FEW YEARS EVERYTHING WILL BE DIFFERENT / Om noen år er alt annerledes
Dir: Julie Engaas - Animated short film, 2017, DCP

DAD / Pappa - Dir: Nina Bergström - Documentary 2017, DCP

MONALISA STORY - Dir: Jessica Nettelbladt / Lejoni Filmproduction - Feature documentary and tv-version - Co-production - 2016 NRK SVT DR Festivals

O CHRISTMAS TREE / Du Grønne, Glitrende - Dir: Erik Sjølander - 2014, DCP

March 11th/13th 2024
We Keep them in our hearts
is part of REALYOUNG workshop
at m:brane in Malmø. Great to be
part of this wonderful event.
October 4th/6th 2023
Our new project We Keep
them in our hearts is presented at
the New Horizons Industry Forum in Warsaw. Many great meetings and valuable inputs.
July 19th 2023
Without Us is screened at SicilyAmbiente FIlm festival at San Vito Lo Capo in Sicily, such a lovely festival near the wonderful beaches of Sicily.
June 10th/17th 2023
Without Us is screened at the 20th IN THE PALACE Short film Festival in Bulgaria, in competition for BEST ANIMATION FILM.
June 8th/10th 2023
Without Us is screened at Animafest Zagreb, for the second year in a row, in their Science Fiction / BAck to the Apocalypse Program
December 8th 2022
FINNISH PREMIERE - The Subharchord - a future that never happened is Premiering at YLE - Finnish Television.
November 2nd-5th 2022
Without Us is screened at Tbilisi 5th International Animation Festival - TIAF - in Georgia.
October 28th 2022
Without Us by Julie Engaas is screened DOWN UNDER at Adelaide International Film festival, they write this about the film: "In this hauntingly beautiful short we observe what it would look like if all human beings vanished from the face of the earth. How nature would react relieved from the constant pressures of humanity."
October 20th 2022
Without Us is screened at Fredrikstad Animation Film Festival, in competition.
June 12th 2022
Without Us has its Norwegian Premiere at The Short Film Festival in Grimstad
June 8th 2022
The Ego, new short film by Maria Lloyd has its premiere at The Short Film Festival in Grimstad - big thanks to everyone involved!
June 7th and 10th 2022
Without Us is screened at World Panorama program at Zagreb Animafest.
May 30th and June 2nd 2022
Without Us by Julie Engaas has its World Premiere at Krakow Filmfestival, in international competition.
March 25th 2022
The Subharchord - a future that never happened has its International Premiere at CPH:DOX in their sound and vision section
October 22nd 2021
The Subharchord - a future that never happened by Ina Pillat premieres at Bergen International Film Festival, in competition. The film will also be screened at NRK and YLE.
September 28th 2021
We are grateful for support for
a new project by Julie Engaas
from the Norwegian Film Insitute
and the Fritt Ord Foundation.
June 22nd 2021
True Fiction receives support
from The Fritt Ord Foundation for the development of two new documentary projects.
December 13th 2020
Blind Dancer premieres at NRK
at Hovedscenen NRK2. The film is screened together with an interview with director Maria Lloyd and dancer Hege Finnseth Eidseter by Arild Erikstad.
March 19th 2019
"Without Us" by Julie Engaas receives funding from Viken Film Center from film commissioner Cecilie Stranger-Thorsen. We are grateful and exited to make this film!
March 15th 2019
"Without Us" a new short film
by Julie Engaas, receives funding
from NFI and filmcommissioner
Lars Daniel Krutzkoff Jacobsen.
Big thanks!!
February 12th 2019
The documentary "The Subharchord - a future that never happened" wins the IMZ Avant Premiere + Sunny side of the Doc pitching competition in Berlin.
December 16th 2018
The new short film "Dependance"
by Maria Lloyd receives production funding from Norwegian Film
Institute talent program "Nye Veier"
November 8th 2018
The documentary "The Trainer" receives developement funding
from Viken Film Center and film comissione Jan Dalchow. Big thanks!!
June 13th 2018
"Blind Dancer" is screened at The Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad, program KD1, Short Documentaries at 20.00
June 7th 2018
"Blind Dancer" will be screened at OsloPIX at Klingenberg 4 , Oslo, at 18.00.
May 26th 2018
"Blind Dancer" will be screened at Cinemateket Filmens Hus at 17.00.
The screening is a part of CODA International Dance Festival, free entrance.
May 6th 2018
"Blind Dancer" receives Honorary Mention from the Nordic / Docs jury.
May 4th 2018
"Blind Dancer" is screened at Nordic / Docs in Fredrikstad Kino at 16.15
April 25th 2018
"Heart of Gold" receives the Gullruten Award for Best Original Music, by Jon Platou Selvig
April 10th 2018
"Blind Dancer" by Maria Lloyd is selected and nominated for the Best Short Documentary Award at the Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad.
March 22nd 2018
"Heart of Gold" in nominated for the Gullruten Award for Best Original Music, composed by Jon Platou Selvig
March 17th 2018
"Blind Dancer" by Maria Lloyd is pre-screened at Cinedans Dance for Screen Film festival at 18.15 at the Eye in Amsterdam. Director Maria Lloyd and actor and dancer Hege Finnset Eidseter are present at the screening and Q&A.
February 24th 2018
"Heart of Gold is screened at Stockholm Feminist Film Festival, at 12.15 at Zita, Folkets Bio.
December 12th 2017
"Heart of Gold" is screened at NRK 1 at 21.30 PM - Norwegian Broadcasting.
July 23rd 2017
In a few years everything will be different by Julie Engaas wins the Best Short film award at SiciliAmbiente Documentary film festival in Sicily.
June 2017
In a few years everything will be different is selected for this years Nordic Panorama Film festival, nominated in the Best Nordic Short Film cathegory. The festival will take place in Malmö 21-27 September 2017.
June 16th 2017
Heart of Gold premieres at The Norwegian Short film festival in Grimstad.
June 12th 2017
In a few years everything will be different premieres at the new film festival in Oslo - OsloPIX.
April 11th 2017
True Fiction receives support from VIken Film Center for Blind Dancer, a new short film by Maria Lloyd
January 23rd 2017
Monalisa Story is nominated for
Guldbagge 2017 Award for Best Documentary
January 13th 2017
True Fiction receives funding from the Norwegian Film Institute for
a new dance film by director Maria Lloyd - "Blind Dancer"
November 16th 2016
The new short film by Julie Engaas
"In a few years everything will be different" is screened at Blått Lerret, Parkteateret Oslo, with a short introduction by Kalle Løchen and the film team.
July 26th 2016
Monalisa Story (co-production) by
Jessica Nettelbladt is nominated
for the award Best Nordic Documentary at Nordic Panorama in September2016.
July 19th 2016
O Christmas Tree / Du Grønne, Glitrende is screened at Sicily Ambiente documentary film festival in San Vito lo Capo in Sicily, Italy.
May 28th 2016
Nina Bergströms documentary "Dad" receives Honorary mention and Jessica Nettelblads "Monalisa Story" (co-production) wins the Jurys Special Award at Nordic/Docs, Fredrikstad. .
May 28th 2016
Nina Bergströms new documentary film"Dad" / "Pappa" premieres at Nordic/Docs in Fredrikstad.
May 28th 2016
The co-production MonaLisa Story have Norwegian premiere at Nordic/Docs in Fredrikstad.
December 12th 2015
O Christmas Tree / Du Grønne, Glitrende wins the Best Animation prize at the 4th Mumbai International Short Film Festival, India.
December 2nd 2015
O Christmas Tree / Du Grønne, Glitrende is in the Official Selection of the 4th Mumbai International Short Film Festival, India.
December 2nd 2015
O Christmas Tree /
Du Grønne, Glitrende
is screened at the 33'th International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino, Poland. In competition.
November 2015
O Christmas Tree /
Du Grønne, Glitrende
is selected for the In the Palace Short Film Festival, Sofia, Bulgaria.
November 2015
O Christmas Tree /
Du Grønne, Glitrende
is selected for the 33'th International Young Audience Film Festival Ale Kino, Poland. In competition.
April 2015
O Christmas Tree /
Du Grønne, Glitrende
is screened at KICFF - Kristiansand International Childrens Film Festival.
January 2015
O Christmas Tree /
Du Grønne, Glitrende is screened at TIFF - Tromsø International Film Festival, at their outdoor cinema.
December 17th 2014
O Christmas Tree /
Du Grønne, Glitrende premieres at Filmens Hus in Oslo, in the short-film program JuleKort, at 7pm.
This is an animated short-film for children, directed and animated by Erik Sjølander.
Two Christmas Trees falls in love and are enjoying their quiet life in the forest. Suddenly something happens that changes everything.
December 6th 2014:
The Subharchord receives support from Fund for Sound and Image (Fond for lyd og bilde).
November 2014:
The animated short film
O Christmas Tree receives supprt from Viken Filmsenter. Thanks!
June 6th 2014:
We receive support from the Norwegian Film Institute for our next production "In a few years everything will be different", an animated short written and directed
by Julie Engaas.
May 8th 2014:
Blame it on the Seagull is screened at Nordic Docs in Fredrikstad, in the special program Young people with challenges.
March 21th 2014 :
Blame it on the Seagull is screened at Eurodok European Documentary Film Festival at Filmens Hus in Oslo, followed by Q&A with Pelle Sandstrak and the film team.
March 16th 2014:
Blame it on the Seagull
wins the Best Norwegian Film Prize at Minimalen Short Film Festival in Trondheim.
January 17th 2014:
Blame it on the Seagull is screened at the Sundance Film Festival, Park City, Utah. Redstone Cinema 6 pm. Please see further info at: www.sundance.org
December 10th 2013:
The animated documentary Blame it on the Seagull (Det var ikke jeg, det var fiskmåsen) directed by Juie Engaas is selected for Sundance Film Festiavl, Park CIty Utah.
November 5th 2013:
The documentary
project - The Subharchord receicves production funding from the Norwegian Film Institute.
September 2013:
Blame it on the Seagull is screened at Nordic Panorama in Malmø, in competition in the short
film program.
June 15th 2013:
Blame it on the Seagull by Julie Engaas premieres at The Norwegian Short Film Festival in Grimstad.
BLAME IT ON THE SEAGULL/Det var ikke jeg, det var fiskmåsen - Dir: Julie Engaas 2013 DCP